Our Services
Radio Active testing.
Ison-destructive testing of article and as that is based on differential absorption of penetrating radiation- either electromagnetic radiation of very short wave-lengths or particulate radiation by the part of being tested. Because of differences in density and variations in thickness of the part, or differences in absorption characteristics caused by variation in composition, different portions of a test piece absorb different amounts of penetrating radiation. Unabsorbed radiation passing through the part can be recorded on equipment or photosensitive, viewed on a florescent screen or monitored by various types of electronic radiation detectors.
Radiation protection.
The protection of people from harmful effects of exposure to ionizing radiation, and the means for achieving this". The accepted understanding of the term radiation protection is restricted to protection of people. Suggestions to extend the definition to include the protection of non-human species or the protection of the environment are controversial".[1] Exposure can be from a radiation source external to the human body or due to an intake of radioactive material into the body.
Identify Radiation Types and Isotopes
- There are many kinds of electromagnetic radiation, but only ionizing radiation is of urgent concern in a radiation incident
- Ionizing radiation: can remove electrons from atoms
- Non-ionizing radiation: does not have enough energy to remove electrons from atom
- Identifying ionizing radiation types and isotopes are keys to managing a response
- Identifying the radiation type will assist with radiation safety measures
- Identifying the isotope will determine the energy (penetrating ability) of the radiation and radiation safety measures
- Identifying the amount of radiation will determine radiation safety measures for responders and the public
- Types of ionizing radiation of interest during a radiation incident
- Alpha particles
- Beta particles
- Gamma rays
- Neutrons
- How will radiation types be identified?
- Specialized teams (local, state, federal) with radiation detection equipment on the ground and/or via aerial surveillance will identify the type(s), amount, and location of radiation.
- Transporting Radioactive Material. transporting radioactive shipments trained in basic radiation science and in radiation emergency safety. Markings and labels on packages, casks and transportation vehicles are provided of the transport of radioactive materials.